Reflections - A short film festival

The Powerhouse Film Club is kicking off with an event to celebrate the art and creativity of cinema. We're proud to announce the first ever Powerhouse Film Club Short Film Festival - "Reflections".

A short film is a visual story—told in a matter of minutes. Often these artistic stories provide a springboard for discussion about the deeper issues of life. We will be showing 7-10 short films at our festival, and discussing them in a cool, casual atmosphere.

We hope this will provide a setting for people who share the common interest of film and movies to meet and have fun and watch short films from different parts of the world that will provoke discussions and make us think about various issues around us.

Please join us on Saturday, the 6th of December 2008 at 6pm for an evening of fun, entertainment and reflection.

Venue: Powerhouse Centre, Tabitha Community College (IID) Hall, #13, 6th Cross street, Collectorate Colony, Aminjikarai, Chennai - 600 029.

Please contact or 97890 65618 for more information.


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